Los Angeles, Sun: The USA team may be returning from World Cup 2002 empty-handed but some of them have already landed lucrative Hollywood movie contracts. Leading the charge from soccer field to silver screen is star goalkeeper Brad Friedel, who is replacing Tobey Macguire in Spider-Man 2. "Der Spiegel did a background check when we were up against the Germans, and discovered I have no German ancestry. So I must confess, Friedel is just a name I cooked up. The truth is I really am Peter Parker, so who better to play it?" said Friedel in an exclusive interview with GraphicToons. Friedel said he had given up journalism and superheroing for goalkeeping years ago. "Every now and then I use my web to get to the ball. No one notices 'coz the netting provides a great camouflage. How else do you think I save the USA team's neck so often?" said Friedel. The million-dollar deal includes lifetime psychiatric help. Meanwhile, star striker and emerging talent Landon Donovan has signed on with Tom Hanks' production company to do The Castaway 2 for a cool US$5 million. Donovan will play a soccer scout returning from the Far East when his plane crashes and he is left marooned on a Pacific island, in much the same vein as the original. This time, however, instead of a volleyball, the protagonist will spend much of his screen time talking to -- you guessed it -- a World Cup 2002 Fevernova ball. As part of the contract, Donovan will receive a free shaver from Remington every time he takes off his top onscreen. Word has it that Clint Mathis is also in talks to remake Taxidriver in which he will play the title role that Robert DeNiro made famous (see left). Mathis said he's ready to quit soccer for acting as he picked up quite a bit of this skill watching the Portuguese, Italian and Brazilian players at the World Cup. Not to be outdone by his players, coach Bruce Arena, will be in a sequel to the classic Stephen King and Brian de Palma vehicle Carrie. He will play Carrie's older brother Bruce, a high school soccer coach humiliated and belittled by his peers who returns for one final competition to destroy his enemies. Fans will be able to see Arena do what he does best -- move the ball around from the dugout with his telekinetic fist. |
World Cup GraphicToon 022: USA and Hot Movie Deals Related links: Donovan's chest may help U.S. soccer exposure United States players nominated for All-Star consideration Soccer Fever Takes Foothold in U.S. US star Donovan disappointed by near-misses against Germany BACK TO FOR LATEST RESULTS, FIXTURES AND STORY LINKS |